March 9, 2025

Happiness is a One-Way Sign

Happiness is a one way sign

The one-way sign is much more than a street sign that instructs drivers to go a certain direction. In downtown Tulsa going the wrong direction on a one-way street is anxiety producing as well as extremely dangerous. A reminder to pay attention to signs for one’s safety.

The One-Way Sign

But the one-way sign during the Jesus Revolution meant that those who used it knew it’s special meaning: the upward pointing index finger signified there is only one way to heaven. And that is through Jesus Christ who shed His blood on the cross for every person on earth. The great exchange—our sin for His life-giving blood and eternal life.

The Jesus Revolution

The Jesus Revolution is the account of God’s redeeming grace to the hippy generation of the sixties. Theologians recognize this move of God as one of America’s greatest spiritual awakenings. Now you need to see the movie. I hope you like it.

The good news is that thousands got saved during this Great Awakening. One of those persons was me, joining the ranks with the other Jesus People, as I found salvation.  

Although a bit behind the hippie generation, being born in southern California in  the sixties meant the influence was still strong as I grew up. But God’s influence was greater.

I belonged to a small, loving church with a cohesive congregation and a strong youth group. Our pastor took us to see a Billy Graham movie, Time to Run. Then, that summer at church camp as we sat around the camp fire singing songs, I surrendered my heart and life to Jesus, the Lover of my soul.

When I got home with the news of my salvation, my mom took me shopping. She got me my very own Living Bible and a special necklace with the one -way sign on it.

Some time later, our youth group even went to Costa Mesa to Calvary Chapel, the church where the Jesus Revolution began.

My friends and I had no idea we were part of an awesome move of God.

In the midst of the cultural confusion of the sixties God made a way to reach the hearts of hurting, searching people—right where they were.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

I’m praying for another Jesus Revolution. Let’s keep praying. You never know what God has in store for this generation!

the one way sign
One way sing

Get your copy of Finding Delight in the Vineyard–Abide with the lover of your soul

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