March 9, 2025
Happiness is a light house destination

Nanette Holloway

Happiness is a Lighthouse

Happiness is a lighthouse destination. The tall, historic beacons greet ships and warn of dangers along the shoreline.

Who doesn’t love a lighthouse? A history lesson waits and never disappoints. The Outer Banks is home to four such tourist attractions.

One of three light stations on Cape Hatteras Island is the original lighthouse in Cape Hatteras built in 1803. But was ineffectual due to not being tall enough at 90 feet and the illumination not strong enough to be seen out to sea.

In 1853 an additional 60 feet and red paint made the lighthouse more visible. But disrepair required a new lighthouse, completed in 1870. In 1873 Hatteras was painted with a spiral black and white stripe. And did you know that every lighthouse has its own distinct daymark pattern easily seen during the day, and specific light pattern sequences for night sightings? That’s pretty remarkable.

Then my thoughts wonder to the lighthouse keepers and their families. How did they tolerate the isolation? The link to Cape Hatteras Lighthouse gives much more information on the lives of the faithful individuals who kept ships safe.

The power of light illumines our path on sea and land. And most certainly, spiritually.

God promises to guide us with His light in the dark world. Jesus reminds us He is the light of the world.

Happiness is a light house destination

Cape Hatteras Light Station
Happiness is a lighthouse destination
Okracoke Lighthouse

Scripture for Today

“Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life” (John 8:12 NLT).


Prayer for You Today

Beloved, May God light illumine all of your darkness today and always. On the path before you and the things that may keep you captive, known and unknown. I pray that God’s light to be an all-encompassing source of security and peace. Amen.

Get my latest book: Finding Delight in the Vineyard, a devotional

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