Happiness is a daffodil in late winter. The green leaves sprout out of the otherwise drab spots in the dormant landscape. Then the blooms pop open, yellow and white on a sunny day. The variegated yellows as joyful and bright as the warm sunshine beaming in the otherwise impatient flower bed. A great reminder that winter’s grip will soon end and be replaced by spring blooms.
The March Day boasts of unseasonable warm temperatures that coax those with cabin fever out into the fresh air. A nice retreat into the sunshine without a coat and hope for a carbon copy of the picture-perfect day soon. Maybe tomorrow.
But there are no complaints on a day spent in the warm sunshine. I can get a jump start on the vegetable garden and pot some seeds from my ever-growing collection of seed packets. My husband mock threats, “You’d better plant those seeds this year.” 😉
My plans for an herb bed already started. Pots planted and covered in a warm window sill. The same window sill my dad used with great success when he helped with the garden. Hopefully my green thumb will cooperate like his did.
The daffodils and crocus herald the pending growing season. Flower beds need clearing and the garden plot needs prepping. Soon. As I look ahead to more warm spring days. Hopefully they will come soon, along with some front porch sitting and ice tea sipping.
Happy spring.
Prayer for You Today
Dear One,
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Irish Blessing

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