Photo by Nathan Dumlao via unsplash
Gratitude is to attitude and attitude can determine altitude. A positive outlook can help us soar above the clouds of doom, doubt and despair.
And what about the plethora of negative circumstances that crop up on a daily basis?
A recent bout of depression left me floundering and worried. What if these feelings don’t go away? How did this happen? And there’s no reason to be melancholy. Hopefully the slump was due to a medication that didn’t agree with me.
Depression is difficult to understand unless you’ve experienced the descent of that dark cloud. Everything is skewed through a filter of sadness. Even good things once enjoyed hold no appeal. Fun seems to evaporate and joy is nowhere to be found.
Then comes the slump in attitude. Nothing is right.
I was reminded of my younger depressed self. The emotional state difficult to shake.
Today I do use an antidepressant, but circumstantial downturns may still crop up.
Thankfully friends prayed. And one friend always prays for joy. I love that.
Then I was reminded about gratitude. The simple exercise of finding ten things to be grateful for on a daily basis had at one time changed my pessimism into optimism.
And the exercise often helps when the world seems upside down.
On a depression bent day the exercise can be difficult. I may have to dig deep to find even trace of silver lining in the dark cloud.
- I’m thankful for sunshine
- Birds singing
- God loves me no matter what
And my basic list continues until I reach ten.
Some days I just keep repeating thank you to God. Thank you that I have a great job and work with wonderful people. Thank you for my car.
Then pretty soon my grateful attitude returns and hopefully the dark shroud is gone.
Today I can choose to see the good in my day and my circumstances. God is indeed good, and all the time.
Historically my glass was half empty. Gratitude makes me realize that my glass is half full. Then God fills my cup to overflowing.
Scripture for Today
“Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness.
Come before him, singing with joy.
Acknowledge that the Lord is God!
He made us, and we are his.
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation” (Psalm 100 NLT).
Prayer for You Today
Father, I pray for all who have heavy hearts. Help each one to cast each care upon you because you care. I ask that your joy would manifest in each life. Thank you that you love us and will never leave us nor forsake us. Amen.

Find your gratitude with my gratitude journal. Scriptures included.
Gratitude Journal for Caregivers
© 2023 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved