March 9, 2025

The New Year approaches. The slate of a blank future stretches ahead.

So many of life’s circumstances are beyond our control. The need for provision, loss of a loved one, illness and the list goes on. Not to forget the COVID pandemic.

Yet, the power to choose is ours for the taking.

One thing we can choose is gratitude.

Our plate may be full, but add to the heap a generous portion of gratitude to lift the spirt.

The health care realm demands our best. The standard high. And so, we rise to the requirement of continual giving of time, energy, effort and knowledge for that specialized skill set. Weather at the bedside or other health care dimensions.

Like women’s work, its never done. The daily grind looms large.

Mounting positive COVID tests affect already low staffing. Already stressed professional caregivers face their monumental day shorthanded.

Or the new job with skills yet to be mastered. One step closer every day.

If your place of employment is other than health care, certainly challenges exist.

Then again, perhaps you are caring for loved ones at home.

Yet Gratitude Remains the Gift for Attitude

My personal gratitude list is long concerning my job.

  • Awesome coworkers.
  • Mutual respect in the workplace.
  • Coworkers deliver daily expertise.
  • Laughter and a lighthearted environment.
  • Teamwork.
  • Support of management.

Certainly, the rewards of work go far beyond the paycheck, for which I am also grateful. My job is rewarding in employee health. And the facility I work for fosters values important for employment.

While other health care establishments may not have all those positive qualities, hopefully we can give tribute to what is good.

May God bless you in the coming New Year.

What are you grateful for?

Prayer for the Coming Year


We ask for your blessing in the coming year. The continuing gifts of peace, love, and joy following the Advent Season and Christmas. Help us to appreciate the goodness in our lives and give us a spirit of gratitude.

I pray for health care workers facing staffing shortages and high pressure jobs. May you bless them in their vocation and help them to find meaning and purpose as they work. Bring solutions to the many problems that COVID-19 presents. Including new medications to fight this pandemic. Amen.

Scripture for Today

Whatever your work is, do it gladly. Do it as you would do it unto the Lord and not for people (Colossians 3:23 WE).


© 2021 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved

Need help with a gratitude list? Get my Gratitude Journal for Caregivers.

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