Gratitude in the present can keep us smelling the roses. Then again maybe pruning them, or fertilizing them…whatever the appropriate season.
Gratitude in the now can assist with staying in the present. Otherwise, our human minds trail off into the past, or tomorrow, thereby stealing our joy from what God has for us today.
We often wish we were somewhere else. Perhaps work is lagging on and our concentration speeds on ahead to our evening off. Or after the end of a weekend, my husband might start pouting that the day’s ended too soon. (Not that I do this 😊).
Sometimes obsessions crowd our mind about that issue last week, or the problems at work or conflict with a co-worker.
But Jesus reminds us to stay in the present, keeping today’s worries for today and leave tomorrow’s worries for tomorrow. Sometimes that’s easier said than done.
And trusting God one day at a time is helpful.
The presence of God fills our hearts in the present, engulfing us in His boundless love, as our hearts adore our creator. He fills our cup to overflowing, and we obtain grace for today. We are satisfied for the moment. Yet our hearts require continual filling from the God who promises we will never thirst again. Kind of like that morning cup of coffee that gives a nice jump start. Only God is always with us.
In the present of today we may find solutions to yesterday’s trouble or maybe an answer to a desperate prayer.
And some flowers, like the hibiscus, bloom for just one day. A reminder to take note of the graces God gives us in the present.
Prayer for You Today
Father, we thank you for your loving presence that satisfies us in the present. And your promises to keep us today and tomorrow. Thank you for your love when the sun is bright and shining and when untoward circumstances find us. Thank you that we can choose to thank you and be grateful that this is the day that you have made. Amen.
God’s Whisper
Come, My Beloved. Enter into my loving embrace. Listen in the silence. Still, your mind. Release worries and cares that trouble your mind. Let me put a new song in your heart. Sing praises to my name, casting all cares onto me. I care for you and each concern. Pray in faith for the coming answers.
Love, the Father
Scripture for Today
“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34 AMP).

photo from pexels by Ivan Samkov
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