March 9, 2025
Today I am grateful

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Gratitude in simple pleasures multiplies delight on a dreary day. Simple pleasures in life’s complicated maze are often the best. And frequently make memories that are easily summoned.

Remember holding your new born baby for the first time? Those remembrances flood the mind with that special place, time and even smells. Our senses conjure the specific details surrounding that special event. And all the new feelings wrapped up in the gift of a new life. Who was there? Who wasn’t there? And maybe you didn’t want someone there who was.

How about those first dates with your one and only? The good times and the bad may mingle, taking you back once again to the days of a new romance.

And favorite, simple daily routines add a meaningful touch. A shared cup of coffee with my husband before he heads off to work jump starts the day. Or front porch sitting in that sacred space where I connect with God, and hopefully glean some inspiration for my next blog.  

Gratitude has the power to shift the mundane into a joyful experience. Who knows, maybe there’s the making for a new memory with a love one.

What’s on your simple pleasure gratitude list?

God’s Whisper

Come, my Beloved. Sit with me. Enter into my loving presence. My creation boasts of complex simplicity at ever turn. The clouds that float in the blue sky, the rain that waters, the smells that meet your nostrils and the sounds that ride on invisible waves and make sense to your listening ears.

Invite me into your day. Ask me for simple joy as you attend to the day ahead. My ways are easy. My promises are yes and amen.

Love, the Father.

Scripture for Today

“The precepts of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart;
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes”
(Psalm 19:8 AMP).

Prayer for You Today

Child of God. I pray for you today that God would bless you with simple pleasures throughout you day. May he meet you in the morning, carry you through your day, and give you restful sleep at night. Amen.

simple pleasures

Since we’re on the subject of gratitude, be sure you get you own copy of my book:

Gratitude Journal for Caregivers

© 2023 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved