Good memories include All Saints Day. All Saints Day, November 1, commemorates all saints who have left this earth and entered heaven. Also known as All Hallows. In Medieval times, Halloween. As far as I’m concerned, All Saints Day is devoid of ghouls and goblins.
The consolation of All Saints Day comes from knowing that one day, we too will enter into eternity with our Savior in heaven. And comfort in good memories of precious loved one’s that live in our hearts.

The Memory of a Friend
I had never heard of All Saints Day until my freshman year of college. A small service was held in the college chapel. A small white room with all white pews. An intimate, welcoming atmosphere greeted me upon entry. We were invited to light a candle for all those who had completed their earthly journey and gone on with the Lord.
I lit my candle for a dear friend who died when I was still in high school. In my youthful eyes she was certainly a saint. Although older, she took me under her wing and mentored me in my newfound faith. She made me feel special as she modeled Christian values.
My friend and her mother were artists at heart, creating something beautiful out of the ordinary. They amazed onlookers with their latest craft. One year she invited me to make a banner to hang in my church. She made one for hers. Her mother made beautiful nativities from starched cloth, then painted the figurines.
My friend went on to college and got married. Shortly after her taking her wedding vows she required surgery. The procedure was simple, but medical complications occurred. My friend died. The shock of her untoward death and grief gripped my heart. I could not understand how God could take such a young, beautiful woman. Death is always unjust.
All Saints day always reminds me of that first celebration of my friend’s exemplary life dedicated to the Lord. I am forever grateful to her contributions in my life and growth as a Christian.
Not only do I remember my friend on All Saints Day, but my mom, dad, and many other special saints who have left a mark on my heart.
Who are your remembering on All Saints Day?
Scripture for Today
“Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,” (Hebrews 12:1 AMPC).
Prayer for Today
Father, thank you for all the individuals you have graciously placed into our lives to inspire and lead us to a greater knowledge of You and who You are. My our lives also be an example to someone this day and everyday. Strengthen and use each one of us to Your glory.

Photo by Kyle via unsplash
I also remember my day on All Saints Day in my memoir:
Before you Depart: God’s Touch Before Eternity
© 2021 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved
Beautiful tribute to all the saints who have gone before us.
Thank you Linda… Today is the day, November 1 🙂