March 9, 2025

Where would we be without God? I’m certain I do not know. God’s grace and answers to prayer meet me time and time again. On a daily basis.

God’s gift for Today is:

work and the ability to carry out God’s will just for today.

Recently my hours at work were cut dramatically. I work prn at a hospital, which means I come in when needed. During the pandemic there was a higher need for me. Thankfully the COVID numbers are down. But that means the unit doesn’t need me as much.

My job is certainly one of God’s gifts. A great place to work with nice people to take care of and wonderful coworkers. Good job qualities difficult to come by.

My hopes were up because there was an opportunity for more hours. But then came the bad news that hours were cut and may hopes dashed.


Two days of prayers from me and my friends and husband brought God’s swift answer of provision once again.

And did I mention I finished my book, Finding Delight in the Vineyard: Cling to the True Vine. The eBook is complete, but the hard copy is in review. I’m hoping for good outcomes on that.

I shared with my husband I was done. But I told him I was almost finished two months ago. And although he’s my greatest fan, he teases me about the income generated from my writing. His joke: “What’s the difference between a pepperoni pizza and a writer? The pepperoni pizza feeds you for one meal.” Ha, Ha!

So yes, my job is still important and I need to work. I’m grateful for my God given abilities as a nurse and as a writer. But still hope my books will generate enough for that pizza, or even a steak dinner.

At any rate I’m celebrating the milestone of another book completed. Dom Perignon and pizza are in order. Now you’ll have to watch the movie Misery by Steven King.


Finding Delight in the Vineyard: Cling to the True Vine. Available as an eBook on Amazon. Hard copy coming soon

© 2023 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

Photo by masimo-grabar via unslplash