March 9, 2025

Living in the present sounds so simple. The Lord’s Prayer is a reminder that today is all we have: Give us this day, our daily bread.

Instead of being in the moment my mind rushes ahead into an unknown tomorrow. What if…I need to…I must…I have to… And the list goes on.

What about that project that needs to be completed? Or maybe my work schedule for the week is daunting. Add the holiday cheer with a dollop of stress. Then I’m no longer in the present.

All those little mind trails distract me from the present and the goodness God provides right now. Joy is nabbed from the moment.

Time to simplify.

We were never meant to live in the future. A peek into the unknown future invites our worst imaginations.

All we have is today. Today is enough.

Letting go of the mind commotion and giving them to God will help me to return to the joy of the holiday season.

Maybe I can prepare my heart for the coming of the Christ Child in this Advent Season.

How can you simplify and prepare your heart for Jesus: The reason for the season?

“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34 AMP)

God’s Whisper

Come away My beloved to the garden of my presence. The air is crisp and fresh with a winter chill. The sun is bright in the blue sky. Let me carry you through this day. Issues and problems will arise.
Look to me My Beloved. Resist the temptation to borrow worries from tomorrow. My grace is sufficient in all things.

Love, the Father

© 2019 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved

2 thoughts on “Give us This Day, Our Daily Bread

  1. This is perfect for me to read over and over…I belong to the ‘what if’s’ club! Thanks for this reminder to pay attention to today, live it and love it for what it brings..warmth, happiness and memories🥰

    1. Me too Beverly. I usually get a “test” after I write something like that! Enjoy the warmth and happiness of the season! I will too!

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