March 9, 2025

Gardeners love to see new growth of any kind. A new bud open in the sun ready for pollination. Or a new leaf unfold after the rain. Growth creates hope and impetus for the next nurturing process.

Here in the Midwest, the heat of summer and drought has plagued gardeners. Add to that end blossom rot on my squash plants that usually provide a bountiful harvest.

My quest for success frantic before the end of the growing season. I search the internet for answers. Then one more try with a new fertilizer that provides calcium to the plant. I wait and hope for new growth.

Much to my relief the remedy worked. Several new squashes appeared and the plants look healthy.

hope in new growth
Photo by anna-evans via unsplash

That means grilled zucchini, yellow crook neck and scalloped squash on the menu in coming days. Hope and success realized in the garden.

God’s grace in our growth, no matter how small gives me hope too.

Our church nurtures individuals released from prison looking for a new start in life. God graciously takes us where we are as we take the next step…wherever we are in the growth process. He never gives up on us.

What’s your next step in the growth process?

Perhaps serving God in some small (or large capacity). Maybe a change in jobs, or gratitude for the job you have while you look for more fulfilling work.

God knows and God cares. Thankfully he promises to lead us.

Go ahead. Trust God and take your next step.

Prayer for You Today

Father, we come to you this day in search of your path for us. Essentially the next step we need to take on our journey of abiding with you. Lead us in paths of righteousness. Help us overcome addictions, heal us from illnesses. Help our focus and hope to be in the promises contained in your word the faithfulness of your omnipotent power and grace at work in our lives. Amen.

God’s Whisper

My Beloved. Come to Me with open hands ready to receive all that My Grace supplies. Lift your open arms in praise for My abundant provision. My word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. Take the next step in the journey of abiding with Me, the Lover of Your Soul.

Love, The Father

Scripture for You

“Your commandments give me understanding; no wonder I hate every false way of life. Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. I’ve promised it once, and I’ll promise it again: I will obey your righteous regulations” (Psalm 119:104-106 NLT).


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