March 9, 2025

Follow the light. That’s what the Magi did in the story of Christ. They followed the star that led them to the Savior of the World.

What an awesome story. God intervening in a darkness. Obedient to God’s leading the Wise Men brought treasures to the Christ Child.

God’s light illumines our dark world. His touch leads each Christian follower to truth.

God knows what each believer needs.

One of my favorite movies as a child was the Little Drummer Boy. The story of an orphaned boy searching for love and acceptance. Miraculously found in the Christ Child, the Light of the World. In heart felt gratitude he offers his gift, praise and laud from a new song on his beloved drum.

The Lord used the movie to draw my young heart into His Loving Kindness. The song continues to be a favorite Christmas season song.

God in all of His omniscient power and grace knows how to draw each of us into his marvelous light. The right person crossing one’s path at just the right instant. Or a Gideon Bible in the hotel room with a message of hope to the hopeless.

Good and bad experiences drive us to seek the one who can save us from self and a world of hurt and pain. And yes, sin that condemns and keeps us in bondage.

Thankfully God continually intervenes in lives, leading us to truth, light and the Savior.

Stay on your journey seeking God’s eternal light.

Pray for those who are in darkness without hope. May his light touch all in the dark world.

God’s Whisper

My Beloved, come into the garden of my light. Arise shine for the light is come.

Pray for all who suffer in deceptive darkness. The enemy has blinded them and hardened heats with deep wounds. Plead at the foot of the cross for sins and strongholds that keep them in bondage. Yes, pray for freedom and a path to righteousness in my grace and light.

The time of harvest is now. Dispatch angels and mighty workers in fervent prayer, my Beloved. Pray that all who walk in darkness will see my everlasting light. Pray that my will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Love, the Father

Prayer for Today

Father, we lift up those who have not been touched by your love and grace. Soften hearts to receive your word, truth and salvation. Help those with addictions to find freedom from all bondage. We pray that your will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. Also for loved ones who may still be deceived by the darkness. Amen.

Scripture for Today

“The people who sat in darkness
    have seen a great light.
And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow,
    a light has shined
(Matthew 4:17 NLT).


Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

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