March 9, 2025
finding delight in the vineyard

photo by janko-ferlic via unsplash

The example of the vineyard is repeatedly used in the Bible. In the Old Testament it is a symbol for Israel. And in John 15, Christ refers to Himself as the True Vine.

John 15 is one of the last times our Lord spoke to the disciples before He was crucified. And indeed, they are important words for Christians to live by. In John 15:1 Christ says “I am the true grapevine, and My Father is the gardener”. 

The first verse caught my attention, and I wanted to learn more. What better way to learn about the vineyard than to plant one.

That’s just what I did. From the onset of the venture, first with planting, then pruning and harvesting, I asked God for closer insight of John 15. I asked Him to teach me what He wanted me to know about the vines, abiding, and fruit bearing. Faithfully He did.

Romance in the Vineyard

First of all, a subtle romance and mystery draws us to the beauty of the orchard. The vineyard captivates our imagination and stirs our senses. Each of our senses.

We see the beauty in the orchard, vines and fruit. We feel the romance when we visit wineries. Drawn by intrigue, serenity, and mystery of the well cared for orchard. The smell and fragrance of the vine as it fills the air. The leaves smell like grapes. We taste the fruit of the vine in prized, refreshing wines, table grapes, juices, jams and raisins. As we listen the quiet as nature speaks.

We are drawn to the vineyard. Many people visit vineyards and pay to participate in harvest, grape crushing and other activities. Some wineries offer venues for weddings in the scenic vista.

 But human hearts seek the True Vine. The ultimate romance between God and man. Christ said “that he would draw all men unto himself” (John 12:32 paraphrased).

Could this be the mystery and romance that draw us?

As Christians, we become partakers as we drink from the cup Jesus first offered the disciples during the Passover.

He invites us to come and ultimately to abide. How else can we live the Christian life except through abiding?

Come my friend. Abide in the True Vine. The Lover of your soul.

God’s Whisper

My Beloved, come and abide with Me. I have drawn you with an everlasting love before you were born. My plans for you are good, with a bright future filled with hope and joy for life’s journey. Come close, let go of all distractions. New growth waits for you as you draw near to the Lover of your soul.

Love, the Father.

Scripture for Today

“In the same way, he took the cup of wine after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant between God and his people—an agreement confirmed with my blood. Do this in remembrance of me as often as you drink it’” (1 Corinthians 11:25 NLT).

Prayer for You Today

Follower of the Most High God,

I pray for God to draw you into a stronger, more intimate relationship. May the Lover of your soul romance your heart in the coming days, storms and difficulties of life. I pray that He engulfs you in love, grace, peace, strength and joy for your journey. Amen


Need a good book? Here’s my memoir:

Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

© 2022 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

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