March 10, 2025

Covid-19 hovers in the air. Yet we want to escape into the world of covid from the safety of home. How long must we shelter-in-place? When will the numbers reflect safety? 

The stay at home routine culminates into an extreme case of cabin fever. Escaping the four walls a tantamount priority. 

My deceased father got out daily for lunch or a menial errand. After all, how much TV can one watch in a day?

Diversion the new necessity with routine and a simple venture into the community too long interrupted.

Many aging parents opt to circumvent instructions to stay home from protective adult children, departing for the nearest Braums Ice Cream Store.

Vianne is one restless example ready to bolt into the world of Covid without her mask. She has tended her picturesque garden for the umpteenth time in one day. Ennui, tedium set in. 

Vianne misses church most. Her reply to wearing her mask wrong, “I know, but I have not been anywhere for two months other than relatives and none have been sick, so I wear it as a crown not a mask.”

Meanwhile the nervous daughter tries to explain. Diversion is provided with a game of rook or a drive in search of new blooms .

Plenty of views abound in regard to getting back to business. Whatever your choice do so with caution. You’ve heard it before: don’t touch your face, practice social distancing, wash your hands. Say a prayer.

Prayer for Today

Father,  We come before You today in desperation today in desperation for situations beyond our control. The new norm stressing basic lifestyle. Please protect those who are venturing out into the world of Covid-19.

We pray for our nation, on this National Day of Prayer. We ask for healing of our nation spiritually, economically, and physically. 

Give us a spirit of intersession in this season of uncertainty. Amen

We pray for wisdom for our local and national leaders. 

The Father’s Reply

My Beloved,

Come to the Garden of My Presence with fervency. My desire is to heal America and to draw each precious individual near. The enemy appears strong, but I have overcome the darkness. As you pray, dispatch My Angel Armies to the four corners of the earth. Pray that my will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Your prayers are a sweet aroma to Me, My Beloved. Come to Me with unceasing prayer in this season of uncertainty. Praise Me continually, let me put a new song in your heart. Love, The Father.

Scripture for Today

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]” (John 16:33 AMP)

2 thoughts on “Escaping into the World of Covid

  1. Psalm 20:6-8 Adapted
    Some trust in masks and some in vaccines, but Vianne will remember the name of the Lord her God! For she knows that the Lord saves His anointed, He hears her from His holy heaven! With the saving strength of His right hand, they are brought down and fallen, but she is arisen and she stands upright!!
    Save Lord! May the mighty Lord God hear us when we call!!

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