March 10, 2025

El Roi. The God who sees me. What a comfort.

El Roi.

Committing my way to Him. Casting my cares onto the God who promises to grant the desires of my heart. Yes, sometimes a sinful heart. Yet forgiven.

Today I receive the assurance that He will bring it to pass.

Renewing my mind to His ways as the sun rises faithfully before my eyes. Lighting the day ever so brightly with radiant warmth.

God’s faithfulness ever reminding me that this is the day that He has made for me to rejoice and be glad.

Yes. El Roi. The God who sees me. Quelling the fear of missing His blessing or being forgotten.

He sees me.

When I hide in fear, or shrink back from the world’s eye.

God sees me. He knows my ways and idiosyncrasies.

Yes. God knows me and loves me.

El Roi sees me and hears my heart’s silent cry.

El Roi sees my fear and tells me He is strong in my weakness.

God sees my wilderness and knows the path ahead. The next step for my feet.

Yes. He sees me.

My God. My keen and firm strength who I will trust and take refuge.

Praise fills my mouth with a new song for El Roi. The God who sees me.

My healer, my deliverer, defender. My all in all. Lover of my soul.

He is El Roi.

My God who sees me. Who will never leave me or forsake me.

Yes. He is El Roi. The God who sees you. Amen

The God who saw Hagar (Genesis:16)

“She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” (Genesis 16:13 NIV).


© 2021 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved

Pics by Nanette

Consider reading my memoir- Yes, God saw me and my dad: an end-of-life, caregiver story Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

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