March 10, 2025

Looking back my memory conjures driver’s education class. In my day this was taught in high school. I was making an easy A, and my dad was helping me with my driving skills. Including shifting gears, driving the tractor and the lime green Ford pick-up.

My competitive spirit had me at the top compared to the other new drivers with no experience behind the wheel.

drivers ed

Driving and Overthinking

But then came the final day of practice driving and the test that would lead to the coveted driver’s permit. Pass or fail.  

I approached a corner ready to make a right. Miscalculating my speed, I took the corner too fast. The car screeched around the corner and threw the instructor and the other students to the left. Ugh.

Thankfully the instructor had seen my expertise behind the wheel on previous occasions. He dropped my grade just a little. No A that time. But a B.

I shared my mishap with another teacher. He laughed and said, “Just drive.”

My first memorable event concerning overthinking. Making that corner should have been an automatic response, just like I’d practiced many times before.

Yes, overthinking can open a Pandora’s Box. Unwanted outcomes spill out. The brood analysis creates anxious consternation.

Be it driver’s education, a new situation or setting there’s the temptation for over-analysis. That’s okay. Trust yourself and go to work.

Same rule: Just do it.

Preaching to myself. 😊❤ Anyone else need this today?

Scripture for Today

Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your specific requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace which transcends all understanding, that peace which stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus is yours.

Prayer for Today

Father, I pray for those who tend to overthink a situation and become anxious. Help that energy to be transferred into doing the next thing. Bring your peace that passes all understanding in each situation. Amen.

Oklahoma Rose

Another publication: Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

© 2021 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved

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