March 9, 2025
Day six of the twelve tide

On this New Year’s Day, we arrive at Twelve Tide, day six. We look back on 2024 with the blessings and trials faced with faith, gratitude and prayer.

Now we look ahead to what God has for us in this New Year. And the Twelve days of Christmas fill the heart with hope and the promise that the Savior reigns. He is Emanuel, God with us. Never leave us nor forsake us.

The next stanza to the song arrives and speaks of the sixth day of Christmas.

The Sixth Day of Christmas: A Poem

On the sixth day of Christmas the Trust Love gifts six geese a-laying,

The secret hidden is God’s divine creation of heaven and earth.

Day one God spoke and created light, then separated day from night.

He created the seas and great waters on the second day. Then the skies and heavens through His great power and might.

Next in His plan, on the third day, the dry land appeared and the oceans their boundaries keep. Then there appeared trees with fruits, plants, and flowers with seeds that come back year after year.

Day four God spoke and created the lights of the sky. The sun, moon and stars to shine bright on the darkest night.

Creation day five gives us sea monsters great and fish to swim in the oceans deep. And various birds of red, green and yellow. Thier many colors and sizes fill the new blue skies as they joyfully take to flight above all the new sights.

Then the sixth day God spoke and said “let there be wild beasts and cows and sheep. The diversity vast and our pets too. And mankind in His image, he gave the breath of life.   

He declared His masterful creation good and blessed the sphere of earth and all in His grand design.

Scripture for Today

“First this: God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don’t see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God’s Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. God spoke: “Light!” And light appeared.
God saw that light was good and separated light from dark.
God named the light Day, he named the dark Night.
It was evening, it was morning—Day One”
(Genesis 1:1-5 MSG).

Prayer for the Coming New Year

Father, thank you for all your benefits toward us. We are grateful for your loving kindness and grace for each new day. Please go before each person as a guiding light into the next season of life. Fill our days with what you will for us as we surrender our will to you. We trust you and love you. Amen.

Day sux if the twelvetide

© 2025 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

I especially enjoyed Genesis Chapter 1 in the Message. It seemed to bring it to life. What do you think?

Happy New Year

Are you needing a new journal for the New Year? How about a Gratitude Journal? Gratitude can change your world.

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