March 9, 2025
woman holding a moon

Photo by Ruvim on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

God’s creative power is continually at work. And today I am grateful for the grace at work in the lives surrounding me, as well as my own.

The magnificence of Christ’s resurrection power creates new life within as we surrender our life to the King of Kings. He makes us beautiful in His time. And most Christians have an ashes to beauty testimony of their own to share with the world.

Cooperation and surrender are good action words as we approach the God of all creation. These action steps can lead us into a deeper creative journey of our own.

God’s Creative Power in the Small Things

God is interested in our salvation and all the steps needed on our life’s journey.

My motivation to get the tasks on my to do list remained low last week and threatened to continue. Not knowing how to dispel this trend, I prayed and waited.

The answers to my prayers trickled in. Several good things helped me out. One person posted a question on Facebook: Are you happy? My mind leapt to the quote, “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” —Abraham Lincoln.

A choice to choose joy and happiness—a step in the right direction.

Then, I repeated a praise phrase from a favorite song. Praise lifts the mind and heart toward the Creator.

Then, another Facebook meme mentioned that anxiety is a reminder to pray. Another great step to get my mind off the shoulds, coulds and what if’s that can take on a life of their own.

So, I prayed, and let go and let God, instead of entertaining any worry about the next task.

My imagination and motivation slipped into high gear as I picked up an old journal and read words penned long ago. That lead to creative ideas on what to write for today and the next gargantuan project.

I’m grateful to God for answering my prayer to renew a right and joyful spirit in me which than led to the creative boost I needed to move ahead on projects.

Sometimes we all struggle a bit. Yet God is faithful and able to care for us in a multitude of creative ways.

Scripture for Today

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me. Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me” (Psalm 51:10-11 AMPC).

gratitude for God's Creative Power

© 2024 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

Maybe you are like me and have a book on the shelf that needs to be finished. Get some motivation tips in my book: Jumping Hurdles to Writing Success.

4 thoughts on “Gratitude for God’s Creative Power

  1. Nanette! How in the world are you? Your email message was just what I needed today! Thank you for your wonderful insight.

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