The Twelve Days of Christmas is also known as the Christmastide or Twelvetide. This celebratory period of Epiphany was established in 567 and deemed a sacred, festive occasion. The Season of Advent precedes the Twelvetide, as Christian followers prepare their hearts for the Christ child’s birth. The season then culminates with the Christmas feast followed by the feast of Epiphany. The Catholic church and other denominations observe this festive season to this day.
The holiday Christmas songs we frequently hear include the Twelve Days of Christmas. The song is steeped with rich symbolism and traditional truths. Last week my blog included the first day of Christmas.
Next, comes day two of the Christmastide which includes the two turtle doves, or the Old and New Testaments. These two books are the foundation of our Christian faith containing God’s divine message to all mankind.
The third day of the Twelvetide, is the gift of three French Hens, signifying the Christian virtues of faith, hope and love. The love Chapter in 1 Corinthians 13 is the basis for these gifts further pointing to the Saviors love working within human hearts.
Christmastide Day Two and Three Poem
The Second Day of Christmas my True love gave to me Two Turtle Doves. God’s Holy Word the gift of life therein contained. Christ’s light, love and truth to guide all human kind.
The Third Day of the Christmastide are the three French Hens of faith, hope and love forever within our heart to abide.
The Partridge has come. His love forever shed abroad in human hearts. All credit unto Him.
The once empty vessels with sinful hearts, no longer noisy gongs.
Christ’s love within the heart is gain, all else is cancelled out; to cultivate love through thought, speech and deed.
As souls surrender pride and jealousy, His love illuminates the once dark legacy.
His love reflects elation, strength and joy, affection for God and mankind. Christ’s love alive to shed abroad to those in need of faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Scripture for Today
“Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT).

© 2024 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved
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Nice analogies here. Now the song is playing in my head 🙂
Thank you, RJ. Yes, it’s stuck in my head as well.