October 18, 2024
Squirrel Awareness month

Photo by anrey-svistunov via unsplash

October is National Squirrel Awareness Month. Who knew this scampering creature enjoyed such renown. The truth is that Greg Basset originally founded the Squirrel lover’s Club in 1955 after experiencing a chance encounter with a friendly squirrel in the Grand Canyon.  Now we can celebrate our squirrely friends all month long.

Did you know that squirrels did not always grace city parks? They were intentionally reintroduced to urban parks in the 1870’s for the benefit of human city dwellers to enjoy. And certainly, they provide entertainment as they jump from tree to tree much to our amazement. My husband and young sons enjoyed feeding them French fries and other treats on frequent trips to a favorite park.

Historically Speaking,

Squirrels also hold a place in history. They were popular pets in medieval times. And squirrel fur was also used in clothing accessories. Some research suggests that red squirrels in England may have transmitted leprosy to humans. Although red squirrels frequent parks in England today, experts say that leprosy is not transmissible to humans from a squirrel host.

Squirrel also provides a tasty treat for hunters. Although hunting is not legal within the city limits, we occasionally heard gunshots from a neighbor who confided that he was the culprit and enjoyed fried squirrel.

But squirrel awareness day was established to promote the benefits of squirrels in the ecosystem. Their habit of burying nuts and seeds provides a means of replanting trees in wooded areas. Quite a feat for a small rodent.

The squirrel even contributes to our vocabulary. We hide and squirrel treasures away. Or perhaps we get off subject in discussions. Our Sunday School Class displays a stuffed squirrel to remind us when we need a friendly reminder to stay on track. In that case, squirrel is the word. Or maybe you know someone who is a little squirrely or in other words eccentric, flighty or odd.

Either way our squirrely friends enjoy a special place in God’s creation. He loves them and know and their ways. And if he knows them and cares for them, God certainly cares for us.

Scripture for Today

““That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are” (Matthew 6:25-25 NLT).

Celebrating National Squirrel Awareness Month

© 2024 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

Photo by anrey-svistunov via unsplash

Find out how much God loves you in my devotional:

Search for Authentic Love: A Devotional on the Song of Songs

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