Catch a breath of fresh air. Turns out that simple exercise plus stopping to smell the roses carry big benefits. Make a goal to get out of door daily.
A breath of fresh air does the body and mind good. As we step outside, we change our focus to the surrounding environment. Suddenly the air quality is improved. Environmentalists claim the outdoor air is up to five times cleaner than indoor stale air. Yes, breathe in the freshness of the great outdoors.
Fresh air provides plant and organic substances that actually boost the immune system. These substances known as phytoncides which protect plants from harmful bacteria and insects. Not only that, they hold benefits for us too.
Shinrin Yoku is a therapeutic practice in Japan. The outing includes the forest, taking in the scenery and the pine scented air. Research shows that this practice lowers blood pressure, slows the heart rate, lessens depression and hostility.
But just because you’re not in a pine forest doesn’t mean you should forgo the outdoors.
Sunrise God is Always with Us
Time in nature quiets the mind and promotes creativity. Who doesn’t need that?
The beckon of the great outdoors and stopping to smell the roses provides a mental slowdown for greater clarity and a clearing of the mind.
Benefits of Sunlight
The benefits of sunlight cannot be overlooked. Our bodies depend on sunlight for vitamin D production. Vitamin D deficiencies can lead to increased blood pressure, diabetes, infections, poor immunity, and contribute to colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis, and multiple sclerosis.
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include muscle weakness, pain, fatigue, depression, mood changes and bone loss.
The USDA’s 2015 dietary guidelines for Americans estimate that most children and adults come up short for vitamin D.
A fifteen to twenty-minute stroll in the sunshine three times weekly will suffice the body’s need for vitamin D production. Or perhaps you spend some time on the porch drinking coffee or tea. Lift a pant leg or a sleeve to optimize exposure to the sun.
Sunlight also increases serotonin levels thereby increasing energy, a calm mood, positivity, and focus.
Sunlight energizes T-cells that fight infections.
Ample natural sunlight may even promote sleep. Our eyes need light to set those circadian rhythms that tell us when we need to sleep and be awake. As we age our eyes lose their ability to absorb light, contributing to insomnia. Morning light seems to benefit sleep.
Always use caution concerning full sun exposure and due to skin cancer for anything longer than fifteen to thirty minutes. Especially on high ozone days when the sun’s rays are more apt to burn your skin. Be sure to pack your sunscreen for all day outings.
An outdoor outing should include deliberate focus on the breeze, the air temperature, perhaps the birds singing, or the color of the leaves or grass. Focus on today. Now. Make your day even better with that fresh air.
God’s Whisper
My beloved, come to the garden of my presence. The morning air is crisp and fresh. Breathe in life giving air. Be filled with my loving presence. Walk with me in the sunshine. Let my face shine upon you. Tarry with me, My Beloved. Wait while I fill you with strength, hope, joy, grace, and all that you need for this day.
Love, The Father
Scriptures for Today
“The Lord bless thee and keep thee; the Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; the Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26 KJ21).
“Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts; cause Thy face to shine, and we shall be saved!” ( Psalm 80:19 KJ21)

© 2020 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved
Lovely post !
Thanks, Rebecca!
So true and a good reminder. Thank you!
So glad you liked it!