Finding Delight in the Vineyard is a Christian devotional designed to usher readers into God’s presence, and encourage them to draw near to Christ and abide in Him. The vineyard is used in the Bible as a symbol for Israel, and is rich in symbolism. John 15:1-17 is the basis for comparisons between the vineyard and the Christian. God is the Master Viticulturist (one who cultivates grapes), and Christians are the branches. John 15 is one of the last times our Lord spoke to the disciples before He was crucified. In John 15:1 Paraphrased, Christ says, “I am the True Vine and My Father is the Master Viticulturist.” Each devotion includes a vineyard setting and application for the Christian, a God’s Whisper, inspired by the Holy Spirit, Scripture for Today and a Prayer for You Today.
Caregivers have many faces. The face may be yours: worn, worried, possibly depressed and confused. The journey of caregiving demands all attention and energy. Traversing the maze of chronic illness and possible death of a loved one can take a toll on body, mind and spirit. Coping Skills for Caregivers provides practical tips, scripture and prayer to help the caregiver. With the focus on the vital topic of self-care, author Nanette M. Holloway also includes helpful resources for navigating the caregiving journey. Avoid burnout from exhaustion and illness by investing some time in these coping skills that can help you through the stresses of caregiving. Even as you give selflessly to your loved one, learn how to stop neglecting yourself. Follow Holloway’s personal story as she shares how she survived the pressures of caregiving while helping her beloved father to pass with dignity.

Coping Skills for Caregivers Workbook is a companion book to Coping Skills for Caregivers. The workbook includes several activities to assist the caregiver with self-care. Putting new coping skills to work in daily life requires practice and reinforcement of ideas presented. The workbook is designed to provide opportunities to reflect on self-care concepts and apply them in simple ways. Activities are simple and direct. The Coping Skills for Caregivers Series is designed to assist and guide the caregiver through the often-difficult journey of caregiving.
Colored Pictures. Gratitude is a powerful tool that can improve our daily outlook on life. Deliberate focus on things we are grateful for can alter a negative outlook on life and help us to develop a more positive frame of mind. Our experiences can always be worse. And if we look hard enough we may find positive attributes to what is happening. In other words, we may find the silver lining. This journal was created to assist caregivers of loved ones who may need assistance in this area, but may be used by anyone desiring to create an attitude of gratitude. The journal contains twenty-five entries. Each entry includes a beautiful colored picture and scripture to facilitate positive thoughts. An example is included to give you ideas as you begin your journey toward gratitude. This journal was created for the caregiver who may be stressed from the daily responsibility of caring for a loved one. Self-care is tantamount to prevent caregiver burnout.

Life was about to propel me down an unknown path. The summons unsolicited. The foreboding winds of change included illness, death and unrequited grief. New emotions churned to unexplored depths. My heart left with an uncomely scar, leading perpetually to uncharted territory.The path eventually led to the death of my elderly father. Although Dad was 90 when he died his advanced age did not prepare me for the unfairness of his death. My age at his passing was 41. My mother died years ago when I was 26. Both times I felt cheated of irreplaceable relationships. An adult orphan.The year preceding my Dad’s death was a chaotic year of caretaking, worry, waiting, wondering, praying and hoping. All took a toll. Every aspect of life dictated by the unwelcome visitor of death waiting to claim the next victim. The foreboding enemy was ever present, spying through a veil of denial. The shadow of death threatened any semblance of emotional stability at the most inopportune time.Illness and death are thieves that bear a harsh reality. The death of my father was no exception. I was part of the sandwich generation long before the term had been coined, caring for both my children and my dad. My schedule already busy. Content raising two boys, how could I add illness, death and grief. At the same time, I wanted to enjoy and care for my father in the final year of his life. The inconsiderate foes of illness and death invaded our lives. The impending invasion drove me to my knees in prayer, exacting answers to wistful requests. God was ever-present guide as we embarked on the dark dreadful journey.

Jumping Hurdles to Writing Success began as a presentation to writers. After complimentary reviews, Nanette Holloway decided to create an e-book.
The hurdles are roadblocks commonly encountered on the writing journey. Procrastination, rejection and comparisonitis. Many hurdles faced are also common to life’s journey. Our emotional condition drives the writer within, clearing or faltering before each hurdle. Some hurdles, such as self -doubt and self-sabotage may bring life-long challenges. The writing journey requires astute spiritual and mental prowess to stay on track.
In Jumping Hurdles to Writing Success, each hurdle includes practical tips, scripture, and an encouraging quote. Join Holloway as she presents best practices for a winning result. Then run your race with fewer hurdles to conquer.