March 9, 2025
worry free

Photo by karsten_wuerth via unsplash

The branches in the vineyard are worry free. Dependence on the vine ever present. Each branch trusting in provision, protection, and strength derived from complete reliance on the sovereign vine. The autumn breeze brings change beyond the branches’ control as leaves drop. The dormant season begins.

Through each season of life comes inevitable change. Sometimes our hearts are filled with worry and dread. But we can apply the illustration of letting go of burdens like the vines allow the leaves to tumble to the ground. Afterall the leaves’ job of photosynthesis is complete after harvest. But a new season of promise is neatly tucked into buds formed on dormant ready branches that will burst forth in the spring.

The seasons are perfectly orchestrated by the Father of Creation. And God also has our lives in his ever-loving grasp.

As worries encroach with change, letting go may be in order. We can let go of our burden of the past and fear of the future as we depend on the Father for the coming season in hope.

The past and future is an invitation to press into God’s strength in abject dependence on His faithfulness that He proves over and over.

God’s Whisper

My Beloved,

Abide in Garden of My Presence. Feel the cool autumn breeze on your face.

I long to be with you. But you scurry about in your self-constructed world of worries and mountain of tasks.

Rest in Me.

Let Me renew your spirit and strengthen your teetering soul.

Come. Stay in My presence as I touch each strain, each pain, concern, fear, worry. Call out each one. Let it go. Feel the renewing in your mind and heart.

Let the autumn breeze carry each care away. Be filled with my life-giving refreshment. Be filled with my joy.

Yes, My Beloved, My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Your weak human frame was never intended for such great burdens. Be free today in My mercy and grace.

Love, The Father

Love, the Father.

Scriptures for Today

 “You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11 AMP).

Prayer for You Today

Blessed child of God, I lift you up to the Father in heaven who know each concern you face. May you receive his rest as you cast each worry into His capable hands. My prayer is that God would renew the fruit of your spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. Amen.

worry free

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