During these difficult times of Covid-19, riots and destruction, ask God for Joy.
Depression and suicides are on the rise. The elderly already isolated may be suffering from extreme loneliness.
Do you find yourself stressed and perhaps more moody than usual or just plain overwhelmed with more negative news being broadcast daily?
And if so, are you asking God for joy in your difficulties?
Admittedly I sometimes forget. When my bucket is full and sloshing over, emotions take over and the meltdown begins. Never a pretty sight. Certainly not my optimum in self-control.
How can I steer clear of those roller coaster feelings that jerk me one way and then another leaving me in a heap of exhaustion?
Maybe my relief valve has failed and all those stuffed feelings must finally come out. Maybe denial about a problem has crept up demanding attention.
Am I minimizing where I am in a particular situation?
Am I tired or downright exhausted?
A recent back injury may have tipped the scale to overwhelmed.
Back and leg pain made sitting, standing and laying down difficult. Add to that sleep deprivation.
Several doctor and physical therapy appointments filled my calendar and demanded time.
A dog bite contributed to dog fright and feelings of powerlessness.
Neglect of self and feelings were the red flags I ignored. Exercise on the back burner. The benefits of endorphins halted.
Add an extra busy week at work.
Yes, twenty-twenty hindsight provided beneficial insights.
Strategy for Next Time
- Call a friend when mental pressure increases.
- Support always helps
- Talk things out
- Ask for prayer, strength and joy
- Start the day over when the downhill spiral begins
- Make the choice to continue with a good day
- HALT: hungry, angry, lonely, tired
- Are all these needs met?
- These are primary needs.
- Think
- Remind yourself that allowing things to spiral out of control does not work
- Pray for joy.
- Jesus promises that His joy is our strength
- Get professional help if feeling of depression or suicide arise: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Self-care is always a priority. Yet there may be lapses. Other opportunities to practice coping skills will arise. For today I can forgive myself and ask God to forgive me and help me. God’s mercy is new every morning.
My husband deals with his stress by not letting those emotions escalate. He quickly lets them go and replaces them with a positive thought. He says “If I let it go, things will go bad. I just can’t allow myself to do that.”
How do you deal with all those emotions that churn and take over? Or maybe your stress comes out differently? Have you made progress in this area of your life and if so, how?
HALT, Think, and start your day over at anytime are self-care principles from Al-anon, a 12 step program.
Scriptures for Today
“Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Matthew 18:19-20 KJ21
You will show me the path of life;
Psalm 16:11 AMP
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.
Prayer for Today
Father, we come to you this day asking that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our heart would be acceptable to you, Oh Lord, our strength and our redeemer. Forgive us when we fall short of Your Glory. We are grateful that your mercy and loving kindness are new everyday. Help us to grow daily into your likeness. Lord, the news is full of crisis. Give us your joy. Your joy is our strength. We love you, and thank you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Photo by James Pritchett-unsplash

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