Are you ready for a getaway?
Me too. Sometimes the stress of life pummels us about. And we aren’t even aware.
The recent COVID-19 spike left me isolated and lonely which contributed to a touch of depression.
The increase in COVID-19 cases kept us busy at work in employee health. Each ill person is processed by our department. And yes, record numbers of people were sick with suspect symptoms and needed testing. The hospital short staffed.
Then winter Oklahoma temperatures made my favorite mode of exercise difficult. Cycling. A bicycle ride clears my mind and provides those priceless endorphins that chase the blues away.
Frequent walks, while beneficial, lulled me into denial: A walk is just as good as a bike ride. But in reality, a brisk pace is not quite vigorous enough for that mental rush.
Add a warm fire in the wood burning stove, the dog and cat on my lap and I’m set for a day of writing (on days off). Content to stay in and not wander into town meant more isolation.
Another defense against COVID was to stay home from church and watch the service online.
All those details contributed to isolation and led to mild depression. The spiral sloped gently downward.
Our Getaway
Thankfully my husband planned a winter get away to the Florida Keys. Sunshine and warm temperatures in the 80s allowed us to shed our coats and don shorts. Certainly, an island paradise especially for cyclists.

And pedaling to my hearts content for two days.
Sadly, we left behind the sunshine, the clear turquoise ocean and the seemingly endless bicycle lane that spans the 90 miles of beach roadway.
We plan to return next year and pursue riding the entire Florida Keys coast. If not next year, the activity is on my bucket list.
Anticipation will keep me motivated to ride in forty-degree temperatures to get into shape.
I got my reset.
Where’s your next get away? Think about that reset. Ready, set, go.
Scripture for Today
“The fig trees are forming young fruit,
and the fragrant grapevines are blossoming.
Rise up, my darling!
Come away with me, my fair one” (Song of Solomon 2:13 NLT).
Prayer for Today
Father, be with all who are stressed and need a getaway. You always call us to come away with you. Your loving arms are open and ready to receive us in your embrace. Refresh all and give us strength. Protect the Ukraine and each individual as they fight for their nation. Thank you for your help in times of trouble. Thank you for your infinite love, protection and faithfulness. Praise you for the times of refreshing that you provide. Amen.

Get my Gratitude Journal. Gratitude is the gift of attitude available on Amazon.
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