March 9, 2025

Another good memory includes my first job. Definitely a job I loved.

Littlerock, California boasted of peach and pear orchards when I was growing up. Reknowned for fresh fruit, every street boasted of orchard after orchard.

Growing up amongst peaches and pears had benefits. And one such advantage was a great summer job.

Initially I worked for my dad. We had a fruit stand on HWY  138, AKA Pearblossom HWY. Several other growers had fruit stands as well.

My friend’s parents owned a packing shed where they packed pears and sent them to market in Los Angeles. That is where my first real job was.

The packing shed had conveyor belts that first washed the pears, then sorted them according to size. Pear packers lined both sides of the conveyor belt, each person picking up the size pear they needed to fill their lug box of beautiful green pears. The finished box went down the roller track to a dead end. Then workers hand trucked stacked lug boxes into the tractor trailer. All ready to go when the box trailer was full.

My job was selling the prized fruit off the elevated dock. Cars lined the on weekends. Each car load carefully choosing baskets, lugs or field boxes of fruit.

People would come from all over the Antelope Valley and the LA area to get fresh fruit.

Summers in Littlerock remain a favorite memory.

Later in life, I moved away and got married. My husband wondered why I wouldn’t buy peaches in the store. Then we went to Littlerock during peach harvest and he quickly understood. He got to eat a sweet ripe peach, and the juice ran down his arms and pant legs. Well, almost. 😊 Then we had a fresh peach cobbler baked by my mom. Yum.

I’m needing a fresh peach. How about you?

Scripture for Today

They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
    bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
    and they prosper in all they do
(Psalm 1:3 NLT).

Prayer for Today

Father, lead us in the work we do. Help each one to enjoy their vocation. Let us be like trees planted by the riverbank, bearing fruit for those in need. Amen

oklahoma rose

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