March 9, 2025

Another favorite memory includes snow. The fluffy, white frozen substance is a great source of fun.

Growing up in the Mojave Desert snow was a rare treat. But we certainly got some. Newsworthy snows might happen occasionally and brought life to a standstill. Two inches would close schools. Oh yeah! Snow days were always the best.

And who doesn’t love sledding?

snowy driveway
The Beginning of the Hill Only We Had More Snow

Our current place of residence has an epic driveway: a hill approximately two thirds of a mile long with two curves.

One year after an ample snow the driveway was packed just right for a perfect day of sledding fun. Our two boys and friends managed to speed down the track and stop at the mailbox before hitting the road.

Yes. I went too! Lol, what a great ride and wonderful memory.

More Snow Fun

Then there’s the time I went trekking across the yard to the detached shop. My plan included concoction of a batch of lavender soap.

I left the cozy, warm house. Coffee cup in hand along with necessary supplies. Carefully and cautiously I stepped into a packed tire track, certain not to fall. But before I knew it my legs slipped out from under me. Coffee now colored the snow.

My audience witnessed the graceless stunt. My two boys and husband laughed at my mishap (after being sure I was ok).

After a few choice words, I went back in the house, refilled my coffee cup and headed out again.

Mustering greater caution, certainly I wouldn’t slip again. You guessed it. The repeated miscalculation of the icy snow patch threw me to the ground once again. More laughter inside the house.

Thankfully I wasn’t hurt.

The moral to the story: Packed snow can be icy and don’t trust the same snow packed ice a second time.

In case you’re wondering, my Sweet Lavender soap turned out great. 🙂

Enjoy my memoir: Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

© 2022 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved