March 9, 2025


Nanette M. Holloway MS, RN

My favorite teacher taught creative writing in the Fifth Grade and I’ve enjoyed writing ever since. After getting my masters degree in nursing education my love for writing resurfaced. I started a blog and several books later I now offer workshops and coaching.
I’m also an RN and hold bachelor’s degree from Oral Roberts University and a masters degree from Southern Nazarene University. My approach to nursing and writing is wholistic, ministering to body, mind and spirit. I am able to draw on my forty years of experience as an RN in my writing and speaking.

  • Bio: As an author and coach my writing accomplishments include:
  • Capstone project for master’s degree in nursing education:

Development of an Educational Module for Hospice Nurses on Prolonged Grief Disorder in Caregivers

  • Written and published seven books
  • Write a weekly blog
  • As a coach, I help writers jump hurdles to writing success
  • Lead workshops for writers and caregivers
  • Lead a caregiver support group at church