March 9, 2025

photo by wonderlane

I recently heard a new term: Glimmer. A glimmer is a moment during the day that brings light, joy, hope or gratitude.  And on some difficult days, anything positive. Glimmers are the opposite of triggers which elicit a gut reaction to a past trauma that can send us into a preprogramed mode of fight or flight. Or perhaps an “exaggerated reaction” that would probably not affect another person. We all have triggers, but with practice we can learn to focus on glimmers.

A glimmer might give a flash of light during a mundane day at the office. Maybe a simple smile from a passerby on a bad day reminds us that “kind people still exist”. Or a ray of sunshine glimmers through the clouds at just the right time. And now, during autumn, perhaps new colors on a new day bring a touch of beauty.

God moments are special glimmers. Like an answered prayer. A stranger saying just what is needed to heard, or a scripture that touches our needy heart during a difficult time.

We can learn to savor sweet moments and take the next step to be intentional to notice them.

The human brain feeds on thoughts, and as we open up to the positive, our brains thrive.

Glimmers, like gratitude can cultivate a harvest of joy, peace and hope, instead of negativity that weighs the heart down.

Tell me about a recent glimmer.

finding delight in the vineyard
photo by janko-ferlic via unsplash

God’s Whisper

My Beloved,

Come with an open heart into my loving presence. Taste and see My goodness. Catch the glimmers I send your way. Seek and find the simple flashes of joy, peace and hope. You are never alone. I am always with you.

My glimmers of light illuminate the darkness that threatens. My joyful spirit remains your strength in weakness. Be mindful of the simple power of a glimmering flash. In my presence is fullness of joy and at my right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Love, the Father

Scripture for Today

“You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11 AMP).

Prayer for You Today

Beloved of God, may you capture glimmers during your day as numerous as the shining stars at night. Amen.


© 2023 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

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Featured image by wonderlane via unsplash