March 10, 2025

A fresh start on the horizon welcome us to the next thing in life. Like a new sunrise welcomes the new day, declaring this is the day the Lord has made. And yes, I will rejoice and be glad in in it.

Sometimes a fresh start requires an invitation to let go of the past before moving to the new. Perhaps letting go of previous hurts. Or Forgiving those involved in a difficult spot on our journey.

A Fresh Start
photo lukasz-szmigiel-via unsplash

At times we grasp the past with clenched fists in attempt to control, keep or hold what was. Maybe the inner voice says “it’s always been this way or this is how it’s always been done in the past.”

But a new beginning is a turning point. New voices. Fresh opportunities. Could God be restoring what was lost? For example, joy, peace, direction, health.

A clearing in the path provided by God.

We have a choice. Will the next step take us to onward toward hope on the horizon? Doubling back to the old means stagnant existence. A continuance of what was.

Take a step. Resolve to let go of the past. Welcome the new things God provides. Be sure to Pick up the pace so you don’t miss anything.

God’s Whisper

My Beloved, I am doing a new thing. Old Things are passing away. Let them drop like fall leaves. Press on to the hew goals of growth, hope, learning. Come, My Beloved. The past is gone and hope shines on the horizon like the sunrise.

Prayer For Today

Father. Thank you for new things that you provide on life’s journey. Help us to let go of the old things that hold us back from progressing. Or holding on to the past when you lead us forward to something fresh. You fill our path with hope, joy and peace. Thank you for your faithfulness. Amen.


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