Photo by Kira-auf-der-hiede via unsplash
One of my favorite Christmas Carols is The Little Drummer Boy, written by Katherine Kennicott Davis in 1941. With Czech origins, the song’s title was The Carol of the Drum. First recorded by the Trapp family in 1951, followed by other recordings by big name artists.
The movie came out in 1968. The Little Drummer Boy named Aaron touched my young heart. The orphaned boy embittered by past traumas, came to the manger scene. The baby Jesus changes the child’s heart with His spirit of love and grace. Out of a grateful heart Aaron plays a special beat for the baby on his drum.
The movie evoked an understanding of the true meaning of Christmas and a love for the song in my child-like wonder of the season.
Then this morning a friend posted on FB what her gift to the baby Jesus would be. Her gift, commitment.
What a nice sentiment for Christmas.
I’m still pondering about my gift. Abiding tops the list due to my blog focus over past year. But maybe something new is in order. Perhaps service?
What’s your gift to the Christ Child?
Scripture for Today
“They entered the house and saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh” (Matthew 2:11 NLT).
Prayer for You Today
Child of God,
I pray for Baby Jesus enter you heart anew this Christmas with His priceless, divine gifts. I pray for the gift you that you present to Him this year. May it be fruitful. Merry Christmas. Amen.