March 9, 2025

Wait with patience. Are you able to do that?

I must admit waiting is a challenge for me. The quiet too still. Like a foreboding chasm in my busy path toward accomplishment.

Tasks unfulfilled. My goals for 2021 untouched. Where do I start? Guilt looms large.

The door of depression creaks open with an invitation to contemplate the what ifs and the I shoulds.

But those thoughts are self-defeating and can spiral out of control and leave me in a pit of destruction.

I can choose to slam that door shut and trust that God will lead me into my next beginning for one of those goals. Baby steps.

And God is faithful.  He is leading me in the quiet.

“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations, knowing this: that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, lacking nothing.”

(James 1:2-4 KJV)

Patience produces greater trust and reliance on God who provides all good things: motivation, ideas and strength for what lies ahead, and simply for today.

Then comes the letting go of my will and thoughts of what should be. Contentment in quiet and still. Listening. Waiting.

Casting worries at the foot of the cross.

Yes. The waiting produces patience as long as my focus is fixed on Christ.

God’s Whisper

Come to Me, My Beloved, in your impatience and frustration. Take up my yoke and we will do this together. Wait. My answer and guidance come in the perfect time.

Wait expectantly. Look to the horizon. Just as the sun rises with a new theme for the day, so is my faithfulness.

Relax. Receive my rest. Turn your focus to Me and MY Word. Trust in My timing and grace for all that your are striving to attain.

Yes, My Beloved, My Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Seek me. Find Me. Praise Me in the quiet, your season of restoration.

Do The next thing placed before you. Walk walk with me. Let Me work My will into your heart as you wait.

Love, The Father

© 2020 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved

Photo by OC Gonzales via unsplash

Other publications by Nanette M. Holloway:

Coping Skills for Caregivers

Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity