March 9, 2025

Surrendering my will for God’s will is sometimes tricky business. But indeed necessary. My will wants what my will wants. And is easily coordinated on any given day.

But God’s will always has better results. Like peace and serenity. Those are always a welcome state of mind.

Surrender for me is a daily, sometimes hourly exercise.

Like when someone pulls out in front of me.  Or my day takes a downward spiral and my reactions are triggered to an angry flare.

Maybe I’m tired or hungry. Time to take care of that before it develops into a hangry attitude.

Then the lingering Covid-19 continues to upset and confuse. To wear a mask, or not wear a mask. One thing is certain: washing hands remains the Gold Standard in preventing infections of any kind, along with refraining from touching you eyes nose and mouth. Why? The eyes, nose and mouth are portals for infections. Keep clear and stay safe. More on masks and hand washing next week.

In the mean time surrender into the loving arms of God. Ask for His perfect will in your life. Yes, let go and let God. He is good, all the time!

Scripture for Today

Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good—not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne. (Matthew 11:29-30 AMPC).

God’s Whisper

My Beloved, come to the garden of My Presence. Be filled to overflowing with my life-giving spirit for all your thirsty soul desires. Let me fill your cup to overflowing.

Surrender your will. Accept my will. Yes, pray that my will be done on earth as it is in heaven for you this day.

Let go of worry, and cares that distract you. Have dove’s eyes for Me. See only Me, My Beloved. Experience my loving embrace of body, mind and soul.

Praise my name in simplicity with a new song in your heart. Rejoice in my will for you today. Love The Father.

Other publications:

Coping Skills for Caregivers

Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

© 2020 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved

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