March 10, 2025

The magic of spring continues to manifest in continual beauty. Currently in our edge of the woods, Dogwoods are blooming. One of my personal favorites.

Dogwoods in the Valley
Photo by Laura Ockel via unsplash

The beautiful blooms grace us yearly near Easter. The bounty of blossoms peek through the new emerald foliage in wooded areas. Wild Dogwood trees flourish in the shade and in cluster in valleys near creeks. Just when I think the white masses of blooms have peaked in performance, the next day awes me once again.

The four cream-colored petals tipped with crimson aptly represent the puncture wounds that held Christ on the cross as He died for our sins. At least that’s what the Legend of the Dogwood claims.

Our inclination is to enjoy the mountain top spiritual experiences or that spiritual high following an awesome touch by the Lord at a women’s or men’s retreat.

But then we have to descend to the valley and live out our faith one day at a time. Yes, the valley too, is beautiful. But sometimes valley experiences are lonely, painful and treacherous. Especially when our faith is tested. The thick woods and rocky obstacles obscure our path. Often the next step requires careful calculation to avoid falls and stay safe.

Then suddenly spring arrives. The woods fill with Dogwood blooms. Each blossom reassuring us and reminding us of His glory and presence.

In reality, like the Dogwoods, He is ever present, surrounding us with His fragrance, beauty, grace and clothing us with His loving presence.

Scripture for Today

The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.” (Song of Solomon 2:12 KJ21).

God’s Whisper

My Beloved, come to the garden of my presence. The Dogwoods bloom with brilliance and beauty. They provide joy and light to the woods.

As you traverse the valley, know that I am with you always.

The valley is where I use you. I am made strong in your weakness and hear your cry for help. The answer will come.

Remember the blooming Dogwoods and the joy I provide along your journey. Rejoice in Me My Beloved. I am your strength and strong tower. Your help in times of trouble.

Love, the Father

Prayer for Today

Lord, I lift up all who are in a valley of trial or testing. Give each one strength and joy for their journey and awareness of your loving presence. Manifest your help to them in tangible ways. In Jesus name, amen.

© 2021 Nanette M. Holloway-All Rights Reserved

Other publications:

Coping Skills for Caregivers

Before You Depart: God’s Touch before Eternity

Feature Photo by Nanette

2 thoughts on “A Devotion for Today: Dogwoods in the Valley

    1. We planted a dogwood about 2 years ago. My dad liked them, so we planted one in his memory. Next would be a pink one for my mom. 🙂 So glad you like the message.

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