Photo by Darshak Pandya on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/back-view-of-person-standing-in-fog-4378759/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
Just for Today I will not fear,
the shadows and threats that lurk here and there.
For God is my shield, my strength and power.
He hears my cry each time I call.
And is faithful beyond measure to answer my prayer.
Just for Today I will rise above self,
facing enemies of fear, doubt, and cannot.
At the sound of His name the demons flee and drop.
He beckons me closer to abide in Him.
For therein lies courage, strength and prowess within.
Just for Today I will advance with my King,
a step of faith in armor clad,
for the unknown beyond without fear or dread.
From the hilltop high, I will praise my Lord,
and declare His power and might.
I will shout to the world of God above,
and his free gift of mercy, joy, peace, and love.
Prayer for Today
Beloved of God, today I pray for strength, peace, joy and guidance. And that He answer your every call in His infinite wisedom and grace. I also pray for protection beneath His mighty wing. Amen.
Scripture for Today
“In my distress when seemingly closed in, I called upon the Lord and cried to my God; He heard my voice out of His temple, heavenly dwelling place, and my cry came before Him, into His very ears” (Psalm 18:6 AMPC).
© 2025 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved
Just for today give gratitude a try. Get my Gratitude Journal.
Love this … ‘for the unknown beyond without fear or dread.’
🩷 Thank You RJ. Have a blessed week.