October 16, 2024
all creation


All creation cries out to God as hurricanes hit the east. Thankfully Hurricane Milton lost strength on impact. Certainly, God answered the prayers of many.

Yet farmer’s efforts are thwarted from uncooperative weather patterns. Storms in the east threaten citrus groves, strawberry, sugar cane production and more.

And here in the Midwest unseasonably warm temperatures and drought continue.

Weather extremes affect all of God’s creatures.

Monarchs remain in northern regions due to the prolonged Indian Summer and drought here in the south. Normally they pass through the Midwest in early October. Hopefully they will arrive later in the fall.

One way we can help the butterflies is to continue watering those few remaining blooms so the butterflies can feast on the nectar needed for energy on their migration to Mexico

Okies for Monarchs report that 2023 was the second lowest population count for our butterfly friends. Populations may further dwindle in 2024. Expectations remain that monarchs will be added to the endangered species list in the coming months.

The support of pollinators is in our best interest. Plant a fall blooming flower today. Zinnias are easy to grow by seed. Or plan an outing to your local nursery and shop for a specimen you like.

Visit okiesformonarchs.org or other Monarch websites for suggestions on how to help.

Scripture for Today

“For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay” (Romans 8:19-21 NLT).

Prayer for Today

Father, we pray for each individual affected by recent hurricanes. We also pray for rain in regions of prolonged heat and drought. We ask for grace and protection of Monarchs and other creatures affected by weather extremes. Hear our prayer, oh Lord. Amen

all creation

© 2024 Nanette M. Holloway—All Rights Reserved

If you like gardening, then you may like my devotional. Finding Delight in the Vineyard: Cling to the True Vine

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